COUNTRY DAIRY, New Era, MI – 231/578-8480

Country Dairy milks about 1,200 cows, processes milk, makes cheese, ice cream, and butter, and employs about 125 people. In 2004, Country Dairy opened its first retail store on the farm. The Farm Store and adjacent Moo School have become a destination for tourists, school children, and guests from all over the world. It offers a restaurant menu, ice cream, Country Dairy products, gift items, tours, and information about Country Dairy. Country Dairy is now into the fourth generation with Amy Van Gunst, Paul and Betsy Arkema, Rob and Teresa Eekhoff, and Matt and Trudy Ash. Country Dairy controls the entire process. We are a producer-handler, which means that we own and control the entire process – from our herd of registered Holsteins, to our modern processing plant, to the gallon of milk on your store shelf. By doing this, we provide you the freshest and best tasting milk – straight from our farm. Produced Without rBST or GMOs